Hello my name is Edwina and this is my blog.
I am an Aussie expat living in Dubai. I am a full time wife and mother and my profession is as a Landscape Architect, which I am currently having a break from. In November 2013 I gave birth to my daughter and 3rd child. At that stage all 3 were under the age of 4, so life has been fairly consumed with being a parent and preparing meals. I love cooking for friends. I have troubles preparing a modest sized meal, so my husband is often the recipient of leftovers for lunch (possibly for more than one day!). As the daughter of a professional cook, I have been exposed to ingredients, cooking, and providing for the masses as long as I can remember, inevitably it rubbed off on me.
My husband and I moved to Dubai 2008 as newlyweds with jobs, itchy feet and stars in our eyes….how times have changed, for the better of course.
I have decided to put my long time hobby /obsession into this blog. Living in such a hugely multicultural city and the opportunity to travel has opened my eyes to many more cuisines than before and some familiar ones in a much more authentic light. Living in Dubai has its pros and cons in regards to food. Western comfort foods come at a higher price (Vegemite is like gold!) and there are many things I miss (mostly my local Asian grocer), sometimes its just the freshness and knowing where my food has come from. There are many good things here that we didn’t have at home; access to amazing european cheeses, heavenly arabic / lebanese food, and of course all things British.
I am fortunate that my children are mostly good eaters and as they grow and develop more sophisticated palates, I am learning so much about what children can and should be exploring in terms of food at such a young age and how this will probably influence their tastes in later life. My middle daughter’s favourite meal without a doubt is curry! I am also constantly trying to find the best way to get as much nutritional value into their food to their growing bodies (without depriving them of the treats they deserve).
This blog will be a journey for me and to discipline myself to write down my recipes and challenge myself to step out of my comfort zone and try new recipes and ingredients. I also hope to learn a whole lot of new techniques so that I feel confident in all aspects of the kitchen. Lets see how I go!